Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Close Encounters of the Nerd Kind: Jessica Zafra on Women

It was a regular day at work when an email regarding Jessica Zafra's talk popped-up in my screen.  For all those who do not know who she is, there's a brief bio beside her picture below:


I immediately signed up to secure my slot.:)

As expected, majority of the attendees were women with a few interested men.

A video of a Pantene commercial kicked off the presentation:

MUST WATCH before you proceed..

Although there were negative blogs that misinterpreted this video, its timing was perfect because its main purpose was to empower women.  And as an event and eye opener, the video succeeded and suited the occasion very well.  So here's a big thank you to our Women's Committee who organized this event!

In this world where perception has always been ahead of reality, the ad quotes: 
"Don’t let labels hold you back."
Together with this quote, it's twice as powerful:

Quote by Sheryl Sandberg author of Lean In

Strong words that will surely awaken the spirits of the misinterpreted, the underestimated, the abused.

Although the topic was quite serious, Jessica Zafra made sure her talk had plenty of 'light' moments by sharing how she faced life growing up as a nerd.  It was an hour of fun discussion.  Lots of laughs from the audience only proved the witty way she spoke out her thoughts.  She recounted her experiences on how the world expects her to be herself, yet the world expects different 'versions' of her.  This inconsistency is solved when you see 'the world' not as one, but as a big blue something composed of many individuals.  When someone advises, "Just be yourself", it is usually tied up with how he or she expects you to be.

This is an experience shared by everyone.  It only differs with how each of us handled it.

In reaction, I poetically thought:

Live your life and own it.
Fly the plane as if you are the pilot.  (Because you are)
Sail the ship like you are the captain.  (Because you are)

Jessica suggested ways on how one can truly be happy by adopting change, learning through acceptance and most importantly, having self-knowledge. Self-knowledge means knowing yourself more than anyone that no one can ever get a chance to change your own perception of yourself.

Here are some general but useful tips given by Jessica Zafra:

1.  Travel, get lost, and experience new things.  
     Travel alone if you can.
2.  Interact with as many people as you can.
3.  Live life as it is.

Having listened to all those beautiful and inspiring words, I felt empowered and went home wearing a smile, carrying that spirit to believe...that I am woman and beyond labels...I can be better than who I am now...I can be better than my dreams.

Written by:

Rescyn Mary Sinigayan - Fernandez

Bride-chilla in Manila

Wandering Weirdness

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