Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Boodle Wonders - FamBam Fight Night

We are a family of foodies.

And our clan is made up of families of foodies.

Anyone who says "that's pretty obvious" better leave now or else...we'll eat you :)

So it's fairly predictable what to expect whenever we have a get-together.  We do this at least once a month -almost all members of the clan- just to have time for one another.  Yah! That's how close we are:) You can check #fambam #teamsadsarin #ilovemyfamily for validation. haha :D

In this regular meet-up, we do pot lucks. You can just bring yourself or bring something with you, something for all to share.

One time, in our chat room, a 'boodle' weekend was planned. So everyone got a chance to choose what to bring what everybody wanted, and the result:

Our boodle table (before)

Before "The Fight"

Our boodle table (after)

It took us until nightfall to "almost" clear out the table. 

Well, in this kind of fight, everybody wins.  But you have to consume the food with your bare hands like engaging in a 'hand-to-hand' combat. No utensils allowed lest you lose! Haha!

Our motto truly is: The family that eats together, stays and loves each other. :D

Next meeting should be a fitness activity. Time to take away those extras! xoxo! :)
#fambam #teamsadsarin #ilovemyfamily

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